Great Plains REALTORS® Multiple Listings Service, Inc, CUTOFF DATE: 2/28/2009
Off-Market data furnished by agreement with Omaha Area Board of REALTORS® PULL DATE: 3/6/2009
DATE RANGE: 2/01/09 - 2/28/09 and YTD
MLS STATISTICS -  February 2009
  Sold Single Family Units   Sold Single Family Units
  Number of Bedrooms   Number of Bedrooms
Price Category 2 or less 3 4 or more Total Price Category 2 or less 3 4 or more Total
Under 29999  0  0  28  28 Under 29999  0  0  56  56
30000-39999  0  0  11  11 30000-39999  0  0  27  27
40000-49999  0  0  10  10 40000-49999  0  0  20  20
50000-59999  0  0  10  10 50000-59999  0  0  25  25
60000-69999  0  0  11  11 60000-69999  0  0  23  23
70000-79999  0  0  20  20 70000-79999  0  0  30  30
80000-89999  0  0  18  18 80000-89999  0  0  29  29
90000-99999  0  0  21  21 90000-99999  0  0  43  43
100000-119999  0  0  50  50 100000-119999  0  0  94  94
120000-139999  0  0  68  68 120000-139999  1  0  119  120
140000-159999  0  0  38  38 140000-159999  0  0  72  72
160000-179999  0  0  39  39 160000-179999  0  0  65  65
180000-199999  0  0  17  17 180000-199999  0  0  37  37
200000-249999  0  0  28  28 200000-249999  0  0  62  62
250000-299999  0  0  25  25 250000-299999  0  0  46  46
300000-399999  0  0  24  24 300000-399999  0  0  43  43
400000-499999  0  0  4  4 400000-499999  0  0  10  10
500000-549999  0  0  0  0 500000-549999  0  0  1  1
550000-749999  0  0  4  4 550000-749999  0  0  8  8
750000-999999  0  0  1  1 750000-999999  0  0  2  2
1000000-1249999  0  0  0  0 1000000-1249999  0  0  0  0
1250000-1499999  0  0  0  0 1250000-1499999  0  0  0  0
1500000-1999999  0  0  0  0 1500000-1999999  0  0  0  0
2000000-2999999  0  0  0  0 2000000-2999999  0  0  0  0
3000000 and over  0  0  0  0 3000000 and over  0  0  0  0
Total:  0  0  427  427 Total:  1  0  812  813
Average Price:  0  0  149,411  149,411 Average Price:  120,000  0  149,332  149,296
                                        Information has not been verified, is not guaranteed, and is subject to change.  © 2009 Great Plains REALTORS® Multiple Listing Service, Inc.
                                      There was a new MLS Provider effective September 2007. There may be differences in statistical computions from the previous MLS Provider.
Type Of Financing Of Units Sold              Type Of Financing Of Units Sold Type Of Financing Of Units Sold Type Of Financing Of Units Sold
Type of Financing All Units Type of Financing All Units Type of Financing All Units Type of Financing All Units
 CNV5   120  SLRA   0  CNV5   217  PRIVT  1
 FHA   110  BLND   0  FHA   196  SLRA   0
 CASH   80  FHAAD  0  CASH   161  VAAD   0
 OTH   40  FHABD  0  CNV20  73  FMHAN  0
 VA   38  FHAN   0  VA   66  LANR   0
 CNV20  28  FMHA   0  OTH   65  FHAAD  0
 CNV10  7  FMHAN  0  CNV10  15  FHABD  0
 CNVAD  3  LANR   0  CNVAD  7  BLND   0
 NN   1  LARRQ  0  CNVN   3  WRAP   0
 VAAD   0    FMHA   3
 VAN   0  LARRQ  2
 WRAP   0  VAN   2
 CNVN   0  FHAN   1
 PRIVT  0  NN   1
                                        Information has not been verified, is not guaranteed, and is subject to change.  © 2009 Great Plains REALTORS® Multiple Listing Service, Inc.
                                      There was a new MLS Provider effective September 2007. There may be differences in statistical computions from the previous MLS Provider.