Great Plains REALTORS® Multiple Listings Service, Inc, CUTOFF DATE: 12/31/2010
Off-Market data furnished by agreement with Omaha Area Board of REALTORS® PULL DATE: 1/6/2011
DATE RANGE: 12/01/10 - 12/31/10 and YTD
MLS STATISTICS -  December 2010
  Sold Single Family Units   Sold Single Family Units
  Number of Bedrooms   Number of Bedrooms
Price Category 2 or less 3 4 or more Total Price Category 2 or less 3 4 or more Total
Under 29999  13  11  3  27 Under 29999  227  162  69  458
30000-39999  7  3  2  12 30000-39999  79  84  31  194
40000-49999  2  6  3  11 40000-49999  82  79  22  183
50000-59999  2  10  3  15 50000-59999  89  82  18  189
60000-69999  6  8  5  19 60000-69999  82  119  35  236
70000-79999  11  7  2  20 70000-79999  114  150  23  287
80000-89999  6  10  2  18 80000-89999  114  205  34  353
90000-99999  4  17  2  23 90000-99999  94  211  46  351
100000-119999  4  38  6  48 100000-119999  149  689  121  959
120000-139999  2  59  7  68 120000-139999  137  1160  166  1463
140000-159999  6  36  7  49 140000-159999  85  638  152  875
160000-179999  6  22  15  43 160000-179999  44  425  220  689
180000-199999  1  12  16  29 180000-199999  49  205  266  520
200000-249999  1  17  37  55 200000-249999  74  305  590  969
250000-299999  1  8  25  34 250000-299999  46  144  447  637
300000-399999  6  6  28  40 300000-399999  26  80  412  518
400000-499999  2  0  12  14 400000-499999  11  24  119  154
500000-549999  0  0  3  3 500000-549999  2  5  37  44
550000-749999  0  0  5  5 550000-749999  2  9  62  73
750000-999999  0  0  5  5 750000-999999  0  1  30  31
1000000-1249999  0  0  1  1 1000000-1249999  0  0  3  3
1250000-1499999  0  0  0  0 1250000-1499999  0  0  0  0
1500000-1999999  0  0  0  0 1500000-1999999  0  0  5  5
2000000-2999999  0  0  0  0 2000000-2999999  0  0  0  0
3000000 and over  0  0  0  0 3000000 and over  0  0  0  0
Total:  80  270  189  539 Total:  1506  4777  2908  9191
Average Price:  110,984  131,717  259,325  173,386 Average Price:  103,359  137,218  241,597  164,695
                                        Information has not been verified, is not guaranteed, and is subject to change.  © 2009 Great Plains REALTORS® Multiple Listing Service, Inc.
                                      There was a new MLS Provider effective September 2007. There may be differences in statistical computions from the previous MLS Provider.
Type Of Financing Of Units Sold              Type Of Financing Of Units Sold Type Of Financing Of Units Sold Type Of Financing Of Units Sold
Type of Financing All Units Type of Financing All Units Type of Financing All Units Type of Financing All Units
 FHA   129  CNVAD  0  FHA   2563  NN   8
 CNV20  126  FMHA   0  CNV5   2386  FHAAD  3
 CASH   116  FMHAN  0  CASH   1533  FHABD  2
 CNV5   90  LANR   0  CNV20  1034  FMHAN  1
 VA   38  LARRQ  0  VA   712  LANR   1
 OTH   26  NN   0  OTH   611  LARRQ  0
 FHAN   6  VAAD   0  CNV10  124  VAAD   0
 CNV10  4  VAN   0  FHAN   88  BLND   0
 CNVN   3  WRAP   0  CNVAD  40  WRAP   0
 PRIVT  1    CNVN   34
 SLRA   0  VAN   18
 BLND   0  FMHA   13
 FHAAD  0  PRIVT  11
 FHABD  0  SLRA   9
                                        Information has not been verified, is not guaranteed, and is subject to change.  © 2009 Great Plains REALTORS® Multiple Listing Service, Inc.
                                      There was a new MLS Provider effective September 2007. There may be differences in statistical computions from the previous MLS Provider.