Great Plains REALTORS® Multiple Listings Service, Inc, CUTOFF DATE: 11/30/2009
Off-Market data furnished by agreement with Omaha Area Board of REALTORS® PULL DATE: 12/7/2009
DATE RANGE: 11/01/09 - 11/30/09 and YTD
MLS STATISTICS -  November 2009
  Sold Single Family Units   Sold Single Family Units
  Number of Bedrooms   Number of Bedrooms
Price Category 2 or less 3 4 or more Total Price Category 2 or less 3 4 or more Total
Under 29999  9  7  5  21 Under 29999  170  122  56  348
30000-39999  9  4  1  14 30000-39999  87  66  18  171
40000-49999  5  11  3  19 40000-49999  60  72  23  155
50000-59999  9  15  5  29 50000-59999  74  107  21  202
60000-69999  15  18  3  36 60000-69999  104  121  21  246
70000-79999  16  15  3  34 70000-79999  112  128  27  267
80000-89999  20  23  4  47 80000-89999  160  210  44  414
90000-99999  15  25  5  45 90000-99999  157  255  43  455
100000-119999  24  90  15  129 100000-119999  182  849  161  1192
120000-139999  10  151  12  173 120000-139999  157  1522  189  1868
140000-159999  8  72  14  94 140000-159999  83  856  204  1143
160000-179999  3  45  19  67 160000-179999  65  473  230  768
180000-199999  1  16  24  41 180000-199999  26  215  243  484
200000-249999  4  27  56  87 200000-249999  63  310  575  948
250000-299999  5  13  23  41 250000-299999  35  116  412  563
300000-399999  3  7  25  35 300000-399999  25  79  317  421
400000-499999  0  2  6  8 400000-499999  5  27  99  131
500000-549999  1  0  2  3 500000-549999  3  6  30  39
550000-749999  0  1  0  1 550000-749999  0  10  55  65
750000-999999  0  0  2  2 750000-999999  0  2  18  20
1000000-1249999  0  0  1  1 1000000-1249999  1  1  5  7
1250000-1499999  0  0  0  0 1250000-1499999  0  1  0  1
1500000-1999999  0  0  0  0 1500000-1999999  1  0  4  5
2000000-2999999  0  0  0  0 2000000-2999999  0  0  0  0
3000000 and over  0  0  0  0 3000000 and over  0  0  0  0
Total:  157  542  228  927 Total:  1570  5548  2795  9913
Average Price:  101,736  134,069  214,580  148,395 Average Price:  103,391  137,808  229,589  158,235
                                        Information has not been verified, is not guaranteed, and is subject to change.  © 2009 Great Plains REALTORS® Multiple Listing Service, Inc.
                                      There was a new MLS Provider effective September 2007. There may be differences in statistical computions from the previous MLS Provider.
Type Of Financing Of Units Sold              Type Of Financing Of Units Sold Type Of Financing Of Units Sold Type Of Financing Of Units Sold
Type of Financing All Units Type of Financing All Units Type of Financing All Units Type of Financing All Units
 FHA   350  FHAAD  0  FHA   3390  SLRA   4
 CNV5   304  FHABD  0  CNV5   2569  FMHAN  3
 CASH   88  BLND   0  CASH   1134  LARRQ  2
 VA   58  LANR   0  VA   775  FHAAD  1
 CNV20  55  LARRQ  0  CNV20  691  BLND   1
 OTH   38  SLRA   0  OTH   623  VAAD   1
 CNV10  10  VAAD   0  CNV10  479  WRAP   0
 FHAN   9  VAN   0  CNVAD  89  FHABD  0
 FMHA   6  WRAP   0  FHAN   46  LANR   0
 PRIVT  3    FMHA   41
 CNVN   3  CNVN   28
 NN   1  PRIVT  21
 FMHAN  1  VAN   8
 CNVAD  1  NN   7
                                        Information has not been verified, is not guaranteed, and is subject to change.  © 2009 Great Plains REALTORS® Multiple Listing Service, Inc.
                                      There was a new MLS Provider effective September 2007. There may be differences in statistical computions from the previous MLS Provider.